Building consultancy - London Builders

Building Consultancy

We offer building consultancy along the entire property ‘journey’ with the following services:

Pre-works survey - prior to calculating an estimate, we always recommend a pre-works survey to identify any additional works that would sensibly be carried out in conjunction with the desired works. For example: green works such as insulation and ventilation, improved plumbing systems, smart home technology and WiFi, reduced reliance on gas/oil, solar panels and battery storage, and electric car charging.

Pre-purchase consultancy and reporting - our team and specialists will advise on potential purchases and the feasibility of desired works in order to plan and budget for refurbishment. We recommend this in place of a traditional survey as it involves thorough inspections of all the critical elements of a property.

Building consultancy and project management - working in association with other builders, we act as project consultants, supporting the clients, providing construction expertise and helping to bridge the gap between the various parties involved in the project.

Pre-sale consultancy - we advise on how to optimise a property prior to listing in order to enhance the value and buyer appeal. We believe that with the right investment in refurbishment works, a property will have the potential to sell more quickly, for more. We can then assist with recommended works and also offer a house/ flat dressing service to make vacant properties look more appealing. Find out more about this service here.

Get in touch with us about your building consultancy requirements: